Great post Perry! Really hits the nail on the head of the double standards the JWs have.
Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
by Perry inwhen individuals leave the organization for conscience reasons, it is evidence that god is shepherding and protecting the flock by doing a sifting work.
when people leave another christian religion it is evidence that the religion is morally corrupt and unable or unwilling to provide spiritually for their members.
when a christian from another denomination lies, he is acting according to his own disposition being from the father of the lie.
Are we in a computer simulation?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
consequences of living in a simulation[edit]some scholars speculate that the creators of our hypothetical simulation may have limited computing power; if so, after a certain point, the creators would have to deploy some sort of strategy to prevent simulations from themselves indefinitely creating high-fidelity simulations in unbounded regress.
Coded Logic
Is there any evidence to suggest that a simulation of a brain could create consciousness? If not - the point is moot.
Satan Wants to Be Like God and Have Mankind Worship Him.....Yeah Right....
by xjwsrock ini heard this tired line re-ran again at this year's convention.
satan supposedly wanted to be like god and be worshiped - you know, the whole pride thing.
they really made a big deal about how his "thoughts" led to his sin in the garden of eden and how we need to control our thoughts to avoid the same result.
Coded Logic
Do you know how much fame and glory a leader of the spirit world could have in today's society of 24 hour news? He could have billions of people tuned in to see him, listen to him, and watch whatever he does.
Are you sure he's not . . ..
Building an Ark
by Coded Logic in"make for yourself an ark from resinous wood.
you will make compartments in the ark and cover it with tar inside and outside.
" - genesis 6:14. because, you know, that's how you build a giant boat - just wood and tar.
Coded Logic
Outlaw, I'm so glad they included the dinosaurs. Gotta make sure it's scientifically accurate!
Governing Body Anthony Morris gives talk at convention. Child refuses blood dies
by Watchtower-Free in .
Coded Logic
"Good example in the face of incredible stress and persecution."
- Anthony Morris
Really? Giving sound medical advice in order to save a persons life is "persecution" now? If a God values the "sanctity of blood" over the sanctity of human life what can we really say about that God? Is that someone we should be worshiping? Is that someone we should aspire to please?
Or is that the kind of person we would want NOTHING TO DO WITH?
Building an Ark
by Coded Logic in"make for yourself an ark from resinous wood.
you will make compartments in the ark and cover it with tar inside and outside.
" - genesis 6:14. because, you know, that's how you build a giant boat - just wood and tar.
Coded Logic
"Make for yourself an ark from resinous wood. You will make compartments in the ark and cover it with tar inside and outside." - Genesis 6:14
Because, you know, that's how you build a giant boat - just wood and tar. No nails. No iron or steel bands to hold things together. No beveling to interlock the keel with the super structure. Just wood and tar . . .
"When another notoriously large ship, the Great Michael, was built in 1511 (though only 1/4 the size of the ark), it was said to have taken all the woods of Fife (a county in Scotland famous for its shipbuilding), as well as having to import wood from France, other areas in the Baltic sea, and cargo ships scrapped for use in its construction. A ship of Noah's size would have required tens of thousands of high quality timber to be cut and milled for its construction, something that is not exactly feasible considering the Ark was supposedly built in what is modern day Iraq."
-Rational Wiki
Headaches vs. Migraines
by Coded Logic ina while back a coworker was telling me she had a migraine in the morning and had to take some aspirin before coming to work.
i was like, "yeah, that wasn't a migraine dear.
that was just a headache.
Coded Logic
A while back a coworker was telling me she had a migraine in the morning and had to take some aspirin before coming to work. I was like, "Yeah, that wasn't a migraine dear. That was just a headache. If you had a migraine aspirin wouldn't do a thing and you sure as hell wouldn't be at work."
I get them 9-10 a year and I'm surprised at how often friends and co-workers think I just mean "bad headache" when I say I had migraine. It'd be equivalent to thinking that pancreatitis is just a "bad stomach ache". Not quite the same thing.
If you haven't had a migraine before consider yourself fortunate - the pain is utterly debilitating. And I don't mean "debilitating" as in this is really hard now - I mean "debilitating" as in stop you dead in your tracks thinking oh my goodness I'm going to die kind of debilitating. If you've ever had a brain freeze from drinking something cold too fast or eating ice cream too quickly than you already have some understanding the kind of pain I'm talking about. The only difference being that migraines doesn't last four or five seconds - but rather 8-14 hours. And if you can find a quite dark place to lay perfectly still - and I mean PERFECTLY still - the pain is bearable. Sit up - the pain is right back. Reach for the water on your night stand - the pain is right back. So much as cough - and the pain is right back. Add onto that some serious nausea, hyper sensitivity to light, and the weird aura vision - and you've got yourself a full blown migraine.
Anybody else get migraines regularly? And do you have any tips on how to manage pain or prevent them?
JWs anti gay video reaches over 1,000,000 views on youtube
by alanv inthe anti gay video that watchtower recently produced has now had over 1,000,000 views.
of those who selected to like or dislike the video, over 92% disliked it..
Coded Logic
Omg, SBF and I agree on something!
JWs anti gay video reaches over 1,000,000 views on youtube
by alanv inthe anti gay video that watchtower recently produced has now had over 1,000,000 views.
of those who selected to like or dislike the video, over 92% disliked it..
Coded Logic
Well I very nearly disliked your comment as well. Not because I don't think people should have a right to freedom of speech but because I felt you we causing confusion between what a person has a right to say vs. what people should say. SBF was in no way suggesting that that the WT's rights should be trodden upon. Rather, they were correctly noting that people will no longer have an apatite for such bigotry.
And I don't think people were "disliking" your comment because they're against religious freedom of speech. I think they were "disliking" a perceived down talking to SBF.
JWs anti gay video reaches over 1,000,000 views on youtube
by alanv inthe anti gay video that watchtower recently produced has now had over 1,000,000 views.
of those who selected to like or dislike the video, over 92% disliked it..
Coded Logic
Crofty, allow me to help you out here. I think there's a fundamental disconnect between your position on what people have a legal right to say vs. most others on this forum who are addressing what's socially acceptable to say.
Freedom of speech is the right to honestly express your opinions without fear of being censured, fined, imprisoned or killed by the State. But freedom of speech is NOT freedom from criticism or contrary views.
The Society is free to preach their hate - and the rest of us are free to call them out on their bigotry.